
高麗大学生命科学・バイオテクノロジー学部とミニシンポジウム「The Green Biotechnology for Future Human Wellness」を共同開催

8月28日、韓国・高麗大学生命科学・バイオテクノロジー学部からCheol Won Yun学部長、Hyun Jin Park前学部長、ほか教授3名の合計5名が生命環境系を訪問しました。

高麗大学と本学は1998年から大学間交流協定を締結しており全学交流が行われています。今回の訪問では、新たな共同研究の可能性を探るべく、“The Green Biotechnology for Future Human Wellness”をテーマとしたミニシンポジウムを高麗大学と共同開催しました(プログラム別添)。

生命環境系からは中嶋光敏特命教授のほか生命環境系教員5名(礒田博子教授、市川創作教授、UTADA Andrew Shinichi准教授、Marcos Antonio das NEVES准教授、鶴田文憲助教)、グローバル教育院の小林功教授(協働大学院)が参加し、両大学から各4名が研究内容を紹介するプレゼンテーション行いました。両大学間で活発な意見交換・質疑応答が行われました。




Institute of Life and Environmental Science and Korea University and held Mini-Joint Symposium

On August 28, Dean Cheol Won Yun,Former Dean Hyun Jin Park and other delegates from College of Life Science & Biotechnology of Korean University (KU) visited Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences.

We conclude the university-wide MoU with Korean University from 1998. In this time, for future research collaboration, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences jointly held Mini-Joint Symposium titled “The Green Biotechnology for Future Human Wellness” with Korean University.

5 professors from KU and 7 professors from UT (Professor Emeritus NAKAJIMA Mitsutoshi, Professor ISODA Hiroko, Professor ICHIKAWA Sosaku, Professor KOBAYASHI Isao, Associate Professor Andrew S. UTADA, Associate Professor Marcos Antonio das NEVES, Assistant Professor TSURUTA Fuminori) joined the symposium and 4 professors from each university gave a presentation for research. Participants exchanged opinions actively and the discussion was fruitful.

Also the delegate visited Professor IKEDA Jun, Vice President and Executive Director for Global Affairs, University’s Gallery and Center for Computer Sciences (CCS).

We look forward to further exchange and research collaboration with College of Life Science & Biotechnology, Korean University in the near future.

The program for the symposium is as below.

Mini-Joint Symposium
“The Green Biotechnology for Future Human Wellness”
between University of Tsukuba and Korea University
14:00-17:20 August 28, 2023
Laboratory of Advanced Research A205, University of Tsukuba

14:05: Prof. Hyun Park: The Biopolymer-based Nanodelivery System in Foods and Functional Foods
14:25: Prof. Sosaku Ichikawa: Human gastric digestion simulator for the evaluation of food digestibility
14:45: Prof. Beom Seok Kim: Antimicrobial natural products targeting virulence of plant pathogenic bacteria.
15:05: Prof. Andrew S. Utada: Bacteria on high-fat diets cooperate to stay fit
15:40: Prof. Chungho Kim: The Role of the UXT Chaperone in Mitigating Proteotoxicity
16:00: Prof. Fuminori Tsuruta: Propagation of neuronal micronuclei regulates microglial states
16:20: Prof. Dongho Lee: Systemic metabolic profiling of natural products with enhanced molecular networking analysis by integrating computational annotation tools
16:40: Prof. Hiroko Isoda: Whole genome informatics and functional food development from Mediterranean food and medicinal resources
17:00-17:20 Discussion

(集合写真/Group photo)

(高麗大学訪問団:左からDongho Lee教授、Cheol Won Yun学部長、Hyun Jin Park前学部長/Delogation from Korea University: Professor. Dongho Lee、Dean Cheol Won Yun)

(Hyun Jin Park前学部長によるプレゼンテーション/ Presentation by Former Dean)

(Beom Seok Kim教授によるプレゼンテーション/ Presentation by Professor Beom Seok Kim)

(UTADA Andrew Shinichi准教授によるプレゼンテーション/ Presentation by Associate Professor Andrew S. UTADA)

(Chungho Kim教授によるプレゼンテーション/ Presentation by Professor Chungho Kim)

(鶴田文憲助教によるプレゼンテーション/ Presentation by Assistant Professor TSURUTA Fuminori)

(Dongho Lee教授によるプレゼンテーション/ Presentation by Professor Dongho Lee)

(礒田博子教授によるプレゼンテーション/ Presentation by Professor ISODA Hiroko)

(左からHyun Jin Park前学部長、中嶋光敏特命教授。長年共同研究を実施。/ Former and Dean Hyun Jin Park, Professor Emeritus NAKAJIMA Mitsutoshi. They have conducted joint research for many years.)

(左から:池田副学長(国際担当)、Cheol Won Yun学部長 /Vice President for Global Affairs IKEDA Jun and Dean Cheol Won Yun)

(集合写真/Group photo)

(大学ギャラリー見学の様子/ Tour at the University’s Gallery)

(計算科学研究センターでの集合写真/ Group photo at Center for Computational Sciences)


