
本学滞在マレーシアJDP学生活動報告:Ummu Alyaa Hashimさん 10月レポート

Autumn season with series of typhoons – (Ummu, October 2019)

Peace be upon you and こんにちは, the month of October marks the new semester which is the 3rd semester of my academic calendar. October is the month full of typhoon series.

On 12th October 2019, Japan especially Kanto area was hit by Typhoon No. 19, “Hagibis”, in which it was a large and powerful tropical cyclone that was considered to be the most devastating typhoon to hit the Kantō region of Japan in 60 years. Hagibis comes from Tagalog language which means velocity or swiftness. Typhoon Hagibis caused additional impacts to Japan, prior to the typhoon there was another typhoon called “Thypoon Faxai” in which struck the same region one month prior. Succeeding “Typhoon Hagibis” there were two other typhoons which are “Typhoon Neoguri” and “Typhoon Bualoi”. The aftermath of the “typhoon 19” was massive but the damage was minimized due to the prevention taken prior the typhoon.

Japan’s disaster risk management should praise for their efficiency in giving information and warnings to the people. Luckily, Tsukuba city was not affected badly as other region and it amazed me just a day after the typhoon, the Japanese people continue to work as usual. Thus, I have a huge respect and love for Japan and its people for their resilience towards disaster.




LEFT: Group photo of Malaysian students at ちゃんぷーる(Campur), cultural share event by TAG-AIMS program in University of Tsukuba, during Malaysian Cultural Day.
RIGHT: Beautiful day post typhoon Hagibis at Ichinoya Dormitory, University of Tsukuba.